Help content on multiple pages occurs in the same position

New in WCAG 2.2

Applicable Role(s): Content Creator, Designer


If users need to reach out to someone or get help, it's easier to find when located in the same spot across multiple pages. When help info or a mechanism moves around between similar pages, some users may have trouble finding help or completing a task, or give up entirely.

Best Practices

Ensure help info appears in the same spot

If a help feature appears in the header, footer, or other location across multiple pages, then the feature needs to be in the same location across all those pages.

If there is content before or after the help feature across multiple site pages, those should occur in the same order across all pages.

Criterion Note

This criterion isn't requiring help to be provided.  If a mechanism is provided and occurs on multiple pages, then it's required the relative order of the mechanism is consistent.

Pattern Examples

Accessible Example: Links to Contact Info

In the university-branded footer, the "contact" link always appears as the first link after the copyright info. The location of the link repeats across every page in most departmental websites:

A site footer contains a list of links below text content, highlighting the link for getting help

Accessible Example: In-Page Contact Info

The Institute for Global Engagement has a contact info block in their site footer. This info appears in the site footer, in the same spot on all pages.

A site footer contains a contact block with address, phone, and email info

Accessible Example: Help widgets

The Viking Union site includes a chat mechanism for getting help. The chat control appears in the same relative spot on each page (positioned in the right bottom corner, and at the end of the page structure):

A page about communities has a floating blue chat button on the bottom right of the screen